Thursday, October 31, 2019

Concert Attendance Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Concert Attendance Report - Essay Example As youthful as I was, the majority of the audience range of age was between 40-60 years of age. Documented here is a report on the music and concert attendance report. The concert was opened with a New Year song which sung in Chinese and goes by the title ‘ask the sky and earth’ and the instruments were played in uniformity slowly by slowly as it progressed, the mood became more enriching. Different instruments succeeding each other to unity sessions that demanded concentration from the expectant audience played along regarding the song texture as polyphonic. The symphonic orchestra had powerful instrumentation which, played in the concert, effectively supported by the continuous use of the vocal styles together with rhythmic classifications. The aged audience enjoyed the pieces played as was evident from the faces and expression of enjoyment. The air was filled with sweet music that was a recall from the early 1960s; I must admit the sensation soothe and send an enjoyment mood down thoughts. The choir quickly entered the second piece that was dominated by the Chinese dance. The swinging to the music was in slow movements that flowed with the tempo of the music. Particular interest was set to the old age and the old classic music for the Chinese descent. The orchestra and the soloist had an intimate veneer, and their appearance was more comfortable with each other because the music was a latest version from modern artists compared to the initial performance where they appeared adversarial. The third piece began, and this had no pause in the end. Movement chain to me accelerated ever-building climax at the end of the third movement. The soloist stepped forward, took a powerful role, and seemed to rejoice over the orchestra as a recital filled the air with a message regarding the white and black personalities with need to regard them as equals. The closing theme had extreme lyrics, which brought an element of glory to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Cults Essay Example for Free

Cults Essay The word cult is often thrown around in todays society as a derogatory term towards religions that are not well known or have aspects that are contrary to mainstream religions. According to mainstream media, cults have been responsible for massive pact suicides, and their followers are incestual and polygamous. The mass media shows the leader as a manipulative person who controls his/her believers as they blindly follow, not knowing the trouble that will certainly find them . cult has become little more than a convenient, if largely inaccurate and always pejorative, horthand for a religious group that must be presented as odd or dangerous for the purpose of an emerging news story. (3) Douglas Cowan and David Bromley show the harsh reality of the way the majority of the media likes to portray cults, probably for better ratings. There are several main cults that are often referenced when researching the topic. The first being The Peoples Temple, the founder Jim Jones had a following of 912, that all died (including him) by cyanide laced drinks in 1978. This was known as the Jonestown Massacre, controversy surrounds it as it is debated hether or not it was a mass suicide or murder. Another commonly referenced cult is Heavens Gate, a UFO doomsday religion that ended in a 39 member suicide in 1997 when the group was attempting to leave earth because they believed it was about to be recycled. To learn and understand what a cult is, I will be define a cult, what features make a cult and who the people are that Join them, as well as discuss the founders of these religions. What is the definition of a cult? Depending on the intent of the author defining the word cult proves a difficult task. The scholars on the ubject of cults seem to have two different approaches when studying this topic. There are those who are a part of the anticult movement and often use the word cult in a negative fashion towards any religion that has formed in recent history. Those apart of the anticult seem to skirt around the subject of defining a cult or explaining what a cult exactly consists of. We are given the feeling as though they do not want to define it as they may cast an umbrella over other mainstream religions that have a similar form. It is even often used to describe popular trends that will upposedly not last, veganism is a term that has been described as a cult fad. You can see how it is almost always used negatively, or as something that has no real substance and will not stand the test of time like other religions have. In contrast, there are those who do not use the word cult but prefer the term New Religious Movements. These scholars have a more objective opinion, and use New Religious Movements to represent fascinating glimpses into the way human beings construct religious meaning and organize their lives to give shape to religious experience. (Cowan, Bromley, 3). It is important to be subjective when using the word cult and for purposes of this paper I will define cult in my own words and state that there is a difference between cults and New Religious Movements. A cult is a form of religion that is deceitful towards its own members with the leader abusing their powers. Although there have been many mainstream religions that have had a leader abuse their powers, it is necessary to point out the ditterence, which is that in a cult the head of the religion is the source of all their religious knowledge and do not have other ways of getting to know the religion without them. In comparison, mass religions have many leaders, many forms of knowledge and you can attain religious beliefs through many forms, not only the one source. Keeping in mind that using the word cult subjectively is imperative to this process, it is still easy to find movements that can be categorized under my own definition of the word cult. These would include the previously mentioned religions of The Peoples Temple and Heavens Gate. When looking at these and other cults there are often many characteristics that they do have in common. It is typical for the cult to have only one leader, .. ho claims divinity or a special mission entrusted to him from Above. (Harrison, 19) A lot of cult leaders use the money from the followers for personal profit. There is a major sense of belonging that comes along with being a part of a cult. There are many religions that also share this but cults often want their members to have this feeling with them alone, and discourage involvement with others who are not in their religion. One author that I found that was willing to at least describe a cult relationship for the purposes of her book was Singer. SHe says there are three actors to cultic relationships, using that term better describes his viewings of interactions that go on in cults. The three factors are as follows: 1. The origin of the group and role of the leader 2. The power structure, or relationship between the leader (or leaders) and the followers 3. The use of coordinated program of persuasion (which is called thought reform, or, more commonly, brainwashing) (7) You can see from the quote that this cultic relationship isnt Just solely related to religion alone, Singer includes cults that are formed around doctrines, theories and pr actices, but states that other esearchers may not identify this exactly as she does. According to the scholars of new religious movements, .. roups that are labeled cults often closely resemble a variety of conventional organizations in which these same characteristics are accepted as legitimate or necessary: communes and intentional communities, convents, monasteries, and other high-commitment religious societies, multilevel marketing organizations and armed forces training and combat units (Bromley, Cowan, 5). There could be many reasons why a person would Join a cult, they could e the same reasons one Joins any faith based group; a person is looking to belong, or meet others with similar morals. A prime reason why a person would Join a cult is that they are not doing this knowing that what they are becoming apart of is in fact a cult. Cults often are established off of a Christian based structure with similar values, and practices. A person may attend a cult thinking it is another sect of Christianity. Members of a cult learn ways to recruit new members, a typical form of recruiting is called love-bombing, where members seek out non-members and shower them ith many forms of attention and affection. Basically, being extremely nice to others with the intent on conversion. Anticult members are quick to let the public know that recruiting for cults can happen anywhere, on campus, on buses and trains, or on the street, letting us know that we can be recruited literally everywhere. In actuality it looks as though most recruitment for cults is done through family members or close friends. When seeing that it is family and friends who do the majority of converting it is easy to see now people would Join. It is not as though the trusted group are trying o harm others by recruiting, they are trying to help and see that others are also going to find the truth in a sense. It is similar to the common practice of missions trips that many Christian religions take part in where they travel to underdeveloped parts of the world, converting people to Christianity and also helping the community in some way. The difference being, hopefully no abuse of power or deceitfulness by the religion. It isnt always understood why one does Join a cult but it is probable to say each individual has their own personal reasons why, and somehow in a way that eligion is giving them whatever it is they may be looking for. Friends? Belonging? Maybe they dont agree with morals of other religions and this cult matches up with the lifestyle that they lead. There is a lot of information pertaining to the large numbers of youth attending cults and New Religious Movements, particularly between the ages of 18 and 22. Lorne L. Dawson describes the demographic of youth as the typical All American boy or girl. A profile of the typical cult member reveals that he or she is white, middle or upper class, with at least some college education and nominally religious upbringing. 85) It might seem surprising that a lot of followers come from this kind of back round, but when looked at a little more in depth you see that often these young adults have either parental issues or have had some sort of middleclass failures. Those with problems in communicating with their parents often look to the leader of the cult for guidance and use them as a parental fgure. Those have failed according to middle class norms seem to be searching fo r validation. A lot of followers Join the cults in times of vulnerability and much needed support from others. While you can say that almost everyone has come from back ounds where they have felt vulnerable at points and needed the support of others, it seems imperative that cults cling on to those who have these types of issues going on as well as the added factor of age to convert potential members. The time of young adulthood is when most people are beginning the process of learning who they are and to have a supportive, flattering, group surround them can be very influential to their life. For most cults there is only one leader although this is not always true, using the examples from earlier, Heavens Gate had two leaders; Marshall Applewhite nd Bettie who liked to be called Ti and Do. Often the leader(s) starts this religion after some form of miraculous religious conversion where they may have had a near death experience or a vision, there are many different stories of leaders getting the call to prophecy. The leaders of cults are always charismatic, and seem to have all the answers. In a time in peoples lives when they are looking for affirmation it is easy to be drawn to someone who knows it all, and can give the yes and no answers. The leader forms very personal relationships with his followers, which sometimes turns sexual. As cults grow the leader is not always able to be so intimate with each member, and this can become problematic for the cult. In response when cults members become larger, the leader will start to segregate himself from the following, only allowing access to certain members who have earned that right. The leader becomes a sort of local celebrity in the eyes of the followers, and like celebrities, their fans stand by them even when arguments against their religious beliefs become even more valid. It is hard to say why a person may start a cult, money could be a huge contributing factor. Or the idea of a group of followers hanging onto every word d by the tounder may be exactly what a true narcissist is looking tor. Out ot all the New Age Religions it is hard to exactly pin point out which ones can be classified as a cult, in history, different Christian denominations have been labelled as cults and paid a price for it. In the nineteenth century The Salvation Army was labelled as a cult and its members were stoned, now it is viewed as a respected and legitimate faith base. So to stamp a religion that hasnt been researched to its full extent can be harmful, and not fair to its members. To be close minded to the idea of new religious movements could erase the idea of religion altogether, as many religions are stuck in the past and not embracing the progressiveness of the times. If a religion is not abusing their powers or being harmful to its members who is to say that it cannot be fulfilling for someone who is looking for more in their life and doesnt connect to mass religions? It is important to teach people to be able to question ideas and to critically think on new and old perspectives, hopefully by doing so people will not so easily be a part of such self-destructive religious groups. I work in the field of homeless and mental health and have met many clients who see themselves as closer to God than the rest of humankind so it is very plausible to me for cult leaders to truly believe that what they are doing is the right way to live, and the only way to live. All religions have outsiders who will say anything to bring that religion into a bad light, it is with great importance that we carefully and kindly dissect the true intent on all religions, not Just new age religions.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Critical Incident Analysis Nursing Assignment

Critical Incident Analysis Nursing Assignment Reflective Analysis of a Critical Incident This paper recounts a critical nursing incident and reflects on the associated professional, moral and legal issues. The objective is to critically reflect on what happened with a view to distil key lessons to improve my future practice and provision of care. No personally identifiable details about the key players or context are included, thereby assuring their confidentiality. This incident was selected because it demonstrates the ways in which individual errors can compound and translate a relatively simple matter into a grave crisis with fatal results. It goes to the heart of nursing practice, and requires introspection into the ways we discharge our responsibilities. Description of Critical Incident I was a Registered Staff Nurse completing the final phases of a 12-month midwifery program in the labour ward of a 500 bed teaching hospital. The ward comprised sections for admission, stage 1 room (active labour), hypertension (pre-eclamptic) room, delivery room and a post-delivery observation area (temporary holding. My objective was to gain skill marks (by completing 40 deliveries and suturing) to complete the program. This particular day I enquired about deliveries and heard of a case that was just endingthe resident doctor was suturing the patient. I was hopeful of participating in the final stages to earn marks so I went to assist. Upon entering the delivery room I saw a lot of blood on the floor, so I asked the doctor what was happening. He stated everything was okay. I observed the patient lying on the bed, and asked her if she was fine. She replied yes. The patient looked pale and weak-more so than the stress of just delivering. I left the room and called the consultant who was doing ward rounds on another ward with students. I also informed the charge midwife about the situation. The charge midwife went to ascertain what was happening. The doctor again asserted that everything was fine, and there is no problem. I assessed the patients vital signs, and found them to be abnormal. Right then, the consultant came into the room and started an intervention. The patient was taken to the operating theatre for exploration to stop the bleeding. After two hours of transfusing blood products and packing the uterus, the patient was transferred to the intensive care unit. She passed away three hours later. The husband was told that there was a complication, and all efforts to stop haemorrhaging were unsuccessful. Hospital policy states that a midwife should assist doctors with any procedure being done in the labour ward. This was not the case. The baby was delivered by a midwife. The doctor was asked to do the suture because of suspected difficulties (cervical lacerations). This situation was not considered to be life threatening. The midwife left to attend to other patients on the busy ward. The doctor was asked to call if and when he needed help. The doctor acted on his own, and twice refused to acknowledge the worsening situation. The patient died, and the family suffered as a consequence. The information given to the family did not reflect all the facts of the incident. The hospital reprimanded the doctor and he was not allowed to see patients without supervision. He eventually completed his specialization course and now practices obstetrics and gynaecology in another jurisdiction. Stakeholders Involved Merriams dictionary defines a stakeholder as person(s) entrusted with the stakes of bettors or someone who is involved or affected by a course of action. In this case, a range of persons were directly and indirectly involved, and a family will have to live with the loss of a loved one. The patient expected to deliver a healthy baby, be with her family, and raise her child. She is no longer with them. The resident doctor made choices, and has to deal with the consequences of those decisions on a personal (moral and ethical) and professional basis. We cannot be sure what options were deliberated, nor the process used to arrive at the final choices. The consultant obstetric/gynaecologist juggled different tasks and ultimately intervened, but without success. The charge midwife and the midwife who delivered the baby are also a party to the incident: they attended other matters on the ward-no doubt also considered urgent and important. This incident raises various professional, ethical and moral dilemmas. The actions of these persons raise questions about the duty of care provided, and the professionalism that guided the choices and judgements they demonstrated. My objective at the time was to earn skilled marks. My view is that the hospital itself can also change from this experience. No one expected the outcomes that manifested. Hospital policy was contravened. The family accepted the paraphrased version of events. The doctor received a reprimand. I do not recall any action for the breach of policy. Theoretical Context A critical incident is one that can cause a person to pause and contemplate events that occurred, and in so doing, give them some meaning. This can be positive and experiential, and is a potential source for self, group and institutional learning and improvement (Gibbs 1988, Duffy 2007). Thinking critically requires us to identify problems and base assumptions and clarify the issues involved. Subsequently, we may raise questions; whose answers may result in changes (Vacek 2009). Critical incident analysis challenges us to evaluate the main facts and use these to gain a deeper understanding of what happened (Fornasier 2008). In so doing, we deconstruct the whole incident into its component parts. Reflection is a thoughtful, deliberative process to gain deeper understanding of what happened by encouraging us to challenge how we feel, think and behave. This is the basis for individual change and improvement (Andrews et al, 1998; Merriam Webster). Using a critical incident as a way of reflecting involves the identification of behaviours that may be helpful or unhelpful in a given situation. This process of structured debriefing can help the institution and the health care providers to identify incidents, prevent their reoccurrence, and enhance the standard of care delivered to the public (Gibbs 1988). Key Issue: Professionalism A profession is a chosen, paid occupation requiring prolonged training and formal qualification (Webster). A number of professionals are involved in this case. For myself, at first, I did not know what to do: I was just thinking about the patients safety when I saw the enormous amount of blood of the floor. In the moment, I forgot about the chain of command: I bypassed the charge nurse and called the consultant directly. Reflecting on the incident, I should have called the charge nurse and she may have better handled the situation as it unfolded. Further, I assessed the vital signs after leaving the room to communicate with the consultant. It could be argued that I should have completed a fuller assessment of the patients vital signs before progressing through the chain of command-rather than taking the patients perspective that all was okay despite a gut feeling that something was wrong. Was the patient making a rationale statement? Did she have enough information and the capacity to objectively weigh the situation? Did I, in that moment misread the gap in understanding of what I saw and what the patient said? I would maintain that my actions were well intentioned and had the desired impact: to bring additional resources to remedy the situation and preserve her life. Clearly, the ability to remain calm under stressful circumstances is a valuable characteristic. This cannot be taught or learnt in the classroom, and certainly not through a fatal trauma. The patient is no longer with us. Did she have enough information to make an informed decision about the quality of care she was receiving? Could the patient be reasonably expected to be informed or to request a different type of intervention in the circumstances? We will never know. The resident doctor was asked to suture a suspected lacerated cervix alone-and to ask for help if needed. Doctor maintained all was under control even as I assessed the situation was worsening. Questions may be asked about the doctors assessment of the initial and unfolding circumstances; and, the information communicated to the patient, who related she was fine. I have no doubt the doctors objective was to assist the patient, and, within the wording and spirit of the Hippocratic Oath, to use their own ability and skill to help the woman in the best way. However, did the doctor fail at his/her duty: to recognise an emergency, a worsening situation, and the limitations to their skills and capabilities? In so doing, did the doctor do more harm than good? In the final analyses, was the doctor acting in the patients best interest? The consultant did what was (probably) most the critical thing: an initial intervention and then emergency surgical exploration with a full team of specialists to ascertain the problem and contain the situation. Could the consultant have done more? This is unlikely in the circumstances. Yes, the consultant could have been called earlier, but that is not their fault. Did the charge midwife and midwife err in leaving the Doctor to complete the suture alone? How does one balance the need for a small amount of midwives to attend to different patients at various stages of labour, when a potential danger is at hand with a post natal mother? How do we reconcile these resource constraints with hospital policy (requiring a midwife to be present at all times)? In this situation, how do we make a decision about providing quality care and attention to labouring women, versus attending to a recovering mother? Is it less or more professional to leave labouring women unattended to care for a mother with what is considered to be non-life threatening wound? The Hospitals official explanation of what happened was maternal complications. This lacked credible details that are covered in the legal discussions below. Key Issue: Morality Was the hospital truthful in its communication with the patients family? To the outsider, the answer seems a resounding no! Does being a teaching hospital bring higher levels of risk to patients-by virtue of having younger and less experienced doctors? Does this lessen their responsibility to the patient? Or does it require a higher standard of care and greater precautions? In this situation, did the hospital fail in its duty to the public by having a higher ratio of patients to staff? Is it unreasonable to expect the nursing cadre to reasonably and safely provide a high quality of care to the number of patients on the ward at that time? Did the institution and its team fail by attempting to provide service for too many patients at this time? Did the policy foresee and cover these matters? Do these issues put the nurse and their professional obligations at odds with hospital and public policy? Does this conflict put the nursing (and other members of the medical team) at a disadvantage? What of the publics rights and responsibilities? How do we honour and respect these charters in the circumstances described? Each patient wants to be seen, receive a high quality of care, with minimum chances of complications-certainly not death. How does the Midwife make based a decision about who to treat and how to allocate scare human resources? In a high stress understaffed environment, can we reasonable assess who is at greater risk and more deserving of care? Can we reasonable assert that honesty, justice and respect for the patients rights can lead us to a determination of where our duty lies? It is my view that the while some parties in this case may be able to justify their actions (midwives, consultant), others would find it a deontological challenge (resident, institution). In this case, the outcome of the incident dictates that the actions of key caregivers at critical decision moments were not optimal (wrong/unethical) because the consequences do not match the means/process. Key Issue: Legality No known legal proceedings arose from this incident. However, it may be argued that a judicious reading of the circumstances by a family predisposed to litigation could have asked many questions about the unfortunate circumstances referenced in this incident, and maybe have a case in a court of law. For example, it could be argued that the patients legal rights were not met, regarding professional standard of care provided by the resident doctor and the absence of a midwife throughout the procedure. Further questions may be raised about the quality, experience, judgement and capability of the first attending doctor. And ultimately, questions could be asked about the checks and balances (levels of safety) within the institution that compounded the situation. Additional issues may arise in considering whether or not the patient was reasonably informed about the unfolding circumstance, associated risks, and given the opportunity to legally consent. It could be argued that the doctor acted unilaterally (paternalistically) to the patients disadvantage. Alternately, the patient could not have reasonably rejected treatment in the circumstances. Therefore a detailed test would be required of what a reasonable professional would do in this situation. The hospital reprimand is an indication that the resident doctor could/would have failed the Bolam Test of respectable medical opinion thereby paving the way for litigation. The above could also lead to the question about the initial consent, and whether or not there was a full explanation of risks and likely treatments in the event of complications. In a legal context, the issue is whether or not the key stakeholders acted professionally and morally, and more importantly, in the course of their duty, whether they neglected or failed to provide a reasonable care of duty to the patient. Summary and Discussion My view now-I was not asked or debriefed at the time, nor did I reflect critically then-is that the circumstances and outcomes dictate that the team and members thereof acted less than professionally, and their judgements and actions were not finely balanced, leaving them in a an unethical and morally compromised position. The patient was owed a duty of care, which was not provided by all involved at the critical moments after delivery. So although all parties worked from a position of beneficence, obliging to do good for all patients at the time, there is a deontological failure in justifying their actions. On this occasion, hospital policy was not adhered to, and there was reasonable cause for this. The outcome reinforces the view that the consequences do not match the means. But this has to be balanced with the contending demands on the team. The midwives, in leaving the doctor to attend to the patient, expected to be called if needed. They were professionally and morally obliged to give reasonable care to the other patients. It would be difficult to squarely blame them for an act of omission that caused/worsened harm for the patient. This is not to ascribe blame squarely at the resident doctor. There are factors at play that would have influenced their action-in keeping with training-while endeavouring to contain and manage the situation. Maybe, for example, there was consideration of the human resource constraints and not wanting to burden fellow colleagues. Maybe the doctor was confident in knowing what was required in the circumstance. However, the rapidly deteriorating situation was soon beyond the doctor, and there was no recognition or acceptance of the need for additional help. Surely, if the final outcome was positive, the consequences would have justified the means. However, in this case, the means and end were weak links. The circumstances and situation in the ward on that day were unfavourable to the team: too many needs, and too few hands. The staffs were in a compromising position by having to deal with too many situations. This should never be the case if we are to deliver a reasonable duty of care in circumstances where humans can never fully assure medical outcomes in certain emergencies. In this incident, on this day, a number of factors compounded a bad situation and led to fatal outcome-which never had to be the case. The midwife made a decision to leave the doctor to suture the lacerated patient; the doctor attempted to do the job without recognising or seeking help. My actions quickened the intervention of the consultant, who ameliorated the situation, but to no avail. Conclusion and Reflection Having participated in this course, I can now reflect critically on this incident and confirm the ways in which a variety of professional, legal, ethical and administrative policy must work together in order to deliver assured quality healthcare. This is especially important in high stress environments where critical decisions must be quickly made-with the potential for unforeseen results. As professionals we must strive to be calm when things take a turn for the worse. This is not a reason to abandon or lose the ability to think critically, and stay true to our ethical, moral and professional duty while meeting the expectations of our employers. Indeed, we will at times find ourselves in situations that test this resolve, and require us to make rapid decisions and attempt to innovate to meet circumstances. This latitude is welcomed, but must be used with caution to ensure that the final outcomes can hold up to the scrutiny of our peers. Finally, it is critical to reflect and analyse our actions and experiences in order to evaluate what works, what does not work, the reasons for these, and the ways to manage future events should they recur. This is useful whether or not one is reprimanded or at the end of litigation case (institution). It is from these collective experiences and learning that we can improve policy, and enhance the profession.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Reading response Price gouging is increasing the price of a product during crisis or disaster. The price is increased due to temporal increase in demand while supply remains constrained. In many jurisdictions, price gauging is widely considered as immoral and is illegal. However, from a market point of view, price gouging is a correct outcome of an efficient market. As shown above, crisis increases demand for the product leading to a shortage. Supply does not change. Equilibrium price now shifts to the right and increases. The market is now ready and willing to pay for the product or service at a higher price. Upon seeing long of people waiting for the product, sellers either hike the price or bring in more supplies if it were possible. If more suppliers are brought, equilibrium price goes back to normal. If supply cannot be increased, sellers increase the price of the product or service. In an efficient market, price increase brought about by a crisis of otherwise is natural. Due to surge in demand, people cannot get the same product at the original price during shortage. Without an increase in the price, the shortage will become worse as sellers will not have the incentive to avail more products in the market. A Price increase gives sellers an incentive to provide more of a product in the product and price goes down to an economically efficient price. Because price gouging is banned in most jurisdictions, rationing the product is done through bribing and first-come-first-served basis. Price gouging is opposed because in a crisis, supply in the short run is perfectly inelastic as shown below. In a hurricane, the infrastructure may be destroyed making impossible to get new supplies. Increased the price during this pe... ...e. A price gouger needs to charge more in order to avail the product or service. In the case of Raleigh, the roads to the town were not accessible due to fallen trees and rocks. An entrepreneur would need to cut the trees and remove the rocks in order to take the product there. People who do that need compensation for all the trouble they take to bring products to the market. The youths who brought ice to Raleigh town had to cut down trees in order to access town. Instead of selling ice as the â€Å"right price† of less than 2 dollars, the youths charged more than 8 dollars. The price provided just there right compensation for all their efforts. Banning price gouging led to serious suffering of the people because the little food left went bad causing even more losses. For a few dollars for the price of ice, Raleigh residents could have saved millions worth of food.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Differentiate educated & uneducated person Essay

1. Relate: Education and man. Differentiate educated man from an uneducated one. The difference between educated and uneducated people is exactly that. It is the level of education that a person has. Education is very important. Actually it is one of the most important thing for our lives in my own point of view. It is clear to us that not everyone can have the opportunity to have the education they need and this lead to divide people into two groups: educated and uneducated people. Both of them have their advantages and disadvantages for themselves. Let us evaluate them in terms of economic power, social status and mentality. It is true that educated people have a lot more opportunities in business world than uneducated people. Because they primarily have a certificate verifying their state of being educated and this is what counts most of the time. They have more opportunities to have a good job, they have a better income. Uneducated one have to work in simple temporary jobs or have to do very heavy muscles work in a construction or field. More earned money over a life time means a higher quality of life, better food and a longer life than someone without a lot of education. The issue of income according to their jobs brings us to another aspect which is the social status of these people. When you have money, you seem to be respectable for other people. One other reason why educated people have a superior status is that they act in life according to their level of knowledge. The truth that if you earned a lot, the status of life is higher, but if you have those blue collar jobs the social status is somehow lower. The mentality case, we have the impression that educated people are open-minded whereas uneducated people are somewhat closed-minded. This is the reality, the educated people have an advantage of greater knowledge about the world, other people, possibilities and existence because they are educated not only technically or scientifically but also culturally. They have a chance to see the world from the eyes of other people through the education they receive. Yet uneducated people are mostly straight laced because they have what they see and learn from their parents and what they experienced in life and the sometimes its upset most is that they treat their children with the same mentality. However, educated people want their children to go far beyond them. They want them to make better than what they did, because they know that every day and every second of our  lives some things change and develop and some things are discovered and invented. As we see there are some aspects according to which educated and uneducated people can be compared and contrasted. I don’t know if I find myself biased but I guess I am, because I value education so much. I don’t want to put a blame on uneducated people, maybe there are reasons behind these, but I believe that poverty is not a hindrance to be educated. All of these remind us the importance of everything is EDUCATION. 2. Connect: Man and his learnings.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish; feed him for a lifetime.† The founder of Taoism, Lao Tzu, spoke these words over 2000 years ago. Education is similar to this principle. For centuries students were â€Å"fed† information and taught to memorize facts, in the hope they would retain a portion of what was taught. Today it isn’t enough just to feed information to students. Our world is changing so fast that new information becomes available faster than it can be taught. If a nation wants to keep pace with this ever-changing world, then learning can’t stop at graduation. Students as well as teachers must learn â€Å"how to fish† for knowledge by becoming lifelong learners. Teachers can become life-long learners by realizing and acknowledging that life long-learning is a necessity; by learning to keep up with changes through personal and professional development; and by teaching with pa ssion, inspiring young minds to see learning as something wonderful. If a man followed his learnings, the life of each of us is in good direction, education is the key to learn and be aware of everything..

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Price Elasticity of Demand for Gasoline

Price Elasticity of Demand for Gasoline One could think of a number of ways that someone could cut back on fuel consumption in response to higher prices. For example, people can carpool when going to work or school, go to the supermarket and the post office in one trip instead of two, and so on. In this discussion, the factor being debated is the price elasticity of demand for gasoline. Price elasticity of demand for gas refers to the hypothetical situation if gas prices rise, what will happen to the quantity demanded for gasoline? To answer this question, lets delve into a brief overview of 2 meta-analyses of studies of the price elasticity of gasoline. Studies on Gasoline Price Elasticity   There are many studies that researched and determined what the price elasticity of demand for gasoline is. One such study is a  meta-analysis by Molly Espey, published in  Energy Journal,  which explains the variation in elasticity estimates of gasoline demand in the United States. In the study, Espey examined 101 different studies and found that in the short-run (defined as 1 year or less), the average price-elasticity of demand for gasoline is -0.26. That is, a 10% hike in the price of gasoline lowers quantity demanded by 2.6%. In the long-run (defined as longer than 1 year), the price elasticity of demand is -0.58. Meaning, a 10% hike in gasoline causes quantity demanded to decline by 5.8% in the long run. Review of Income and Price Elasticities in the Demand for Road Traffic Another terrific meta-analysis was conducted by Phil Goodwin, Joyce Dargay and Mark Hanly and given the title Review of Income and Price Elasticities in the Demand for Road Traffic. In it, they summarize their findings on the price elasticity of demand for gasoline. If the real price of fuel goes, and stays, up by 10%, the result is a dynamic process of adjustment such that the following 4 scenarios occur. First, the volume of traffic will go down by roundly 1% within about a year, building up to a reduction of about 3% in the longer run (about 5 years or so). Second, the volume of fuel consumed will go down by about 2.5% within a year, building up to a reduction of over 6% in the longer run. Third, the reason why fuel consumed goes down by more than the volume of traffic, is probably because price increases trigger more efficient use of fuel (by a combination of technical improvements to vehicles, more fuel conserving driving styles, and driving in easier traffic conditions). So further consequences of the same price increase include the following 2 scenarios. The efficiency of use of fuel going up by about 1.5% within a year, and around 4% in the longer run. Also, the total number of vehicles owned goes down by less than 1% in the short run, and 2.5% in the longer run. Standard Deviation Its important to note that the realized elasticities depend on factors such as the timeframe and locations that the study covers. Taking the second study, for example, the realized drop in quantity demanded in the short run from a 10% rise in fuel costs may be greater or lower than 2.5%. While the short-run the price elasticity of demand is -0.25, there is a standard deviation of 0.15, while the long rise price elasticity of -0.64 has a standard deviation of -0.44. Concluded Effect of Rise in Gas Prices While one cannot say with absolute certainty what the magnitude rise in gas taxes will have on quantity demanded, it can be reasonably assured that a rise in gas taxes, all else being equal, will cause consumption to decrease.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Biography of Richard Nixon, 37th U.S. President

Biography of Richard Nixon, 37th U.S. President Richard M. Nixon (January 9, 1913–April 22, 1994) was the 37th president of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974. Prior to that, he was a U.S. senator from California and vice president under Dwight Eisenhower. As a result of his involvement in the Watergate scandal, a cover-up of illegal activities connected with his reelection committee, Nixon became the first and only U.S. president to resign from office. Fast Facts: Richard Nixon Known For: Nixon was the 37th president of the United States and the only president to resign from office.Also Known As: Richard Milhous Nixon, â€Å"Tricky Dick†Born:  January 9, 1913 in Yorba Linda, CaliforniaParents: Francis A. Nixon and Hannah Milhous NixonDied:  April 22, 1994 in New York, New YorkEducation: Whittier College, Duke University Law SchoolSpouse:  Thelma Catherine Pat Ryan (m. 1940–1993)Children: Tricia, JulieNotable Quote: â€Å"People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I’m not a crook. I’ve earned everything I’ve got.† Early Life Richard Milhous Nixon was born on January 19, 1913, to Francis A. Nixon and Hannah Milhous Nixon in Yorba Linda, California. Nixon’s father was a rancher, but after his ranch failed he moved the family to Whittier, California, where he opened a service station and grocery store. Nixon grew up poor and was raised in a very conservative, Quaker household. Nixon had four brothers: Harold, Donald, Arthur, and Edward. Harold died of tuberculosis at age 23 and Arthur died at age 7 of tubercular encephalitis. Education Nixon was an exceptional student and graduated second in his class at Whittier College, where he won a scholarship to attend Duke University Law School in North Carolina. After graduating from Duke in 1937, Nixon was unable to find work on the East Coast and decided to move back to Whittier, where he worked as a small-town lawyer. Nixon met his wife, Thelma Catherine Patricia â€Å"Pat† Ryan, when the two played opposite one another in a community theater production. He and Pat were married on June 21, 1940, and had two children: Tricia (born in 1946) and Julie (born in 1948). World War II On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked the U.S. Naval base at Pearl Harbor, ushering the United States into World War II. Shortly afterward, Nixon moved from Whittier to Washington D.C., where he took a job at the Office of Price Administration (OPA). As a Quaker, Nixon was eligible to apply for an exemption from military service. He was bored with his role at the OPA, however, so he applied to the Navy and joined in August 1942 at the age of 29. Nixon was stationed as a naval control officer in the South Pacific Combat Air Transport. While Nixon did not serve in a combat role during the war, he was awarded two service stars and a citation of commendation and was eventually promoted to the rank of lieutenant commander. Nixon resigned his commission in January 1946. Congressional Service In 1946, Nixon ran for a seat in the House of Representatives for the 12th Congressional District of California. To beat his opponent, five-term Democratic incumbent Jerry Voorhis, Nixon used a variety of smear tactics, insinuating that Voorhis had communist ties because he had once been endorsed by the labor organization CIO-PAC. Nixon won the election. Nixon’s tenure in the House of Representatives was notable for his anti-communist crusading. He served as a member of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), which was responsible for investigating individuals and groups with suspected ties to communism. Nixon was also instrumental in the investigation and conviction for perjury of Alger Hiss, an alleged member of an underground communist organization. Nixon’s aggressive questioning of Hiss at the HUAC hearing was central to securing Hiss’ conviction and won Nixon national attention. Wikimedia Commons   Nixon ran for a seat in the Senate in 1950. Once again, he used smear tactics against his opponent, Helen Douglas. Nixon was so overt in his attempt to tie Douglas to communism that he even had some of his flyers printed on pink paper. In response to Nixons smear tactics and his attempt to get Democrats to cross party lines and vote for him, a Democratic committee ran a full-page ad in several papers with a political cartoon of Nixon shoveling hay labeled â€Å"Campaign Trickery† into a donkey labeled Democrat. Under the cartoon was written, â€Å"Look at Tricky Dick Nixon’s Republican Record.† Despite the ad, Nixon went on to win the election- but the nickname Tricky Dick stuck with him. Run for Vice President When Dwight D. Eisenhower decided to run as the Republican Partys candidate for president in 1952, he needed a running mate. Nixon’s anti-communist position and strong base of support in California made him an ideal choice. During the campaign, Nixon was nearly removed from the ticket when he was accused of financial improprieties for allegedly using an $18,000 campaign contribution for personal expenses. In a televised address that became known as the â€Å"Checkers† speech delivered on September 23, 1952, Nixon defended his honesty and integrity. In a bit of levity, Nixon stated that there was one personal gift that he just wasnt going to return- a little Cocker Spaniel dog, whom his 6-year-old daughter had named Checkers. The speech was enough of a success to keep Nixon on the ticket. Vice Presidency After Eisenhower won the presidential election in November 1952, Nixon, now vice president, focused much of his attention on foreign affairs. In 1953, he visited several countries in the Far East. In 1957 he visited Africa, and in 1958 he visited Latin America. Nixon was also instrumental in helping push the Civil Rights Act of 1957 through Congress. In 1959, Nixon met with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in Moscow. In what became known as the â€Å"Kitchen Debate,† an impromptu argument erupted over the ability of each nation to provide good food and a good life to its citizens. The profanity-laced argument soon escalated as both leaders defended their countrys way of life. After Eisenhower suffered a heart attack in 1955 and a stroke in 1957, Nixon was called on to assume some of his high-level duties. At the time, there was no formal process for the transfer of power in the event of a presidential disability. Nixon and Eisenhower worked out an agreement that became the basis for the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, which was ratified on February 10, 1967. The amendment detailed the procedure for presidential succession in the event of the presidents incapacitation or death. Failed Presidential Run of 1960 After Eisenhower completed his two terms in office, Nixon launched his own bid for the White House in 1960 and easily won the Republican nomination. His opponent on the Democratic side was Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kennedy, who campaigned on the idea of bringing a new generation of leadership to the White House. The 1960 campaign was the first to make use of the new medium of television for advertisements, news, and policy debates. For the first time in American history, citizens were afforded the ability to follow the presidential campaign in real time. Bettmann Archive / Getty Images For the first debate, Nixon chose to wear little makeup, wore a badly selected gray suit, and came across looking old and tired compared to the younger and more photogenic Kennedy. The race remained tight, but Nixon eventually lost the election to Kennedy by 120,000 votes. Nixon spent the years between 1960 and 1968 writing a bestselling book, Six Crises, which recounted his role in six political crises. He also ran unsuccessfully for governor of California against Democratic incumbent Pat Brown. 1968 Election In November 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson assumed the office of the presidency and easily won re-election in 1964. In 1967, as the 1968 election approached, Nixon announced his own candidacy and easily won the Republican nomination. Faced with mounting disapproval ratings, Johnson withdrew as a candidate during the campaign. The new Democratic front-runner became Robert F. Kennedy, the younger brother of John. Wikimedia Commons   On June 5, 1968, Robert Kennedy was shot and killed following his victory in the California primary. Rushing now to find a replacement, the Democratic Party nominated Johnson’s vice president, Hubert Humphrey, to run against Nixon. Alabama Governor George Wallace had also joined the race as an independent. In another close election, Nixon won the presidency by 500,000 popular votes. Presidency Major domestic accomplishments during Nixons presidency included Neil Armstrongs and Buzz Aldrins historic walk on the moon in 1969; the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970; and the passage of the 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1971, which granted 18-year-olds the right to vote. Nixons focus on foreign relations had him initially escalating the Vietnam War as he implemented a controversial bombing campaign against the neutral nation of Cambodia to disrupt North Vietnamese supply lines. Later, however, Nixon was instrumental in withdrawing all combat units from Vietnam, and by 1973 he had ended mandatory military conscription. Fighting within Vietnam finally ceased when Saigon fell to the North Vietnamese in 1975. In 1972, with the help of his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, President Nixon and his wife Pat embarked on a week-long trip to China in order to establish diplomatic relations. Resentment between China and the U.S. had lingered following the Korean War, during which China had fought against U.S. forces. The visit marked the first time a U.S. president had visited the communist nation, which was then under the control of Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong. Nixons visit was an important step in improving relations between these two powerful nations. Watergate Scandal Nixon was reelected in 1972 in what is considered one of the largest landslide victories in U.S. history. Unfortunately, Nixon was willing to use any means necessary to ensure his re-election. On June 17, 1972, five men were caught breaking into the Democratic Party headquarters at the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C., to plant listening devices. Nixon’s campaign staff believed the devices would provide information that could be used against Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern. While the Nixon administration initially denied involvement in the break-in, two young newspaper reporters for the Washington Post, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, obtained information from a source known as â€Å"Deep Throat,† who became instrumental in tying the administration to the break-in. Nixon remained defiant throughout the Watergate scandal, and in a televised statement on November 17, 1973, he infamously stated, â€Å"People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I’m not a crook. I’ve earned everything I’ve got.† During the investigation that followed, it was revealed that Nixon had installed a secret tape-recording system in the White House. A legal battle ensued, with Nixon reluctantly agreeing to the release of 1,200 pages of transcripts from what became known as the â€Å"Watergate Tapes.† Mysteriously, there was an 18-minute gap on one of the tapes, which a secretary claimed she had accidentally erased. Impeachment Proceedings and Resignation With the release of the tapes, the House Judiciary Committee opened impeachment proceedings against Nixon. On July 27, 1974, with a vote of 27-11, the Committee voted in favor of bringing articles of impeachment against Nixon. On August 8, 1974, having lost the support of the Republican Party and facing impeachment, Nixon delivered his resignation speech from the Oval Office. At noon the next day, Nixon became the first president in United States history to resign from office. Nixon’s vice president Gerald R. Ford assumed the office of president. On September 8, 1974, Ford granted Nixon a â€Å"full, free and absolute pardon,† ending any chance of an indictment against Nixon. Death After his resignation from office, Nixon retired to San Clemente, California. He wrote both his memoirs and several books on international affairs. With the success of his books, he became somewhat of an authority on American foreign relations, improving his public reputation. Toward the end of his life, Nixon actively campaigned for American support and financial aid for Russia and other former Soviet republics. On April 18, 1994, Nixon suffered a stroke and died four days later at the age of 81. Legacy In his time, Nixon was known for his uneasy public persona and intense secrecy. He is now best remembered for his involvement in the Watergate scandal and his resignation from office, a presidential first. He has been depicted in a variety of dramatic films and documentaries, including Frost/Nixon, Secret Honor, The Assassination of Richard Nixon, and Our Nixon. Sources Ambrose, Stephen E.  Nixon. Simon and Schuster, 1987.Gellman, Irwin F.  The Contender, Richard Nixon: the Congress Years, 1946-1952. Free Press, 1999.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Andrew Jackson Essays (1182 words) - Andrew Jackson, Free Essays

Andrew Jackson Essays (1182 words) - Andrew Jackson, Free Essays Andrew Jackson Born to Irish immigrants on March 15, 1767, Andrew Jackson was to become the first "rags to riches" President the country had ever seen. He grew up in South Carolina and fought in the Revolutionary War at only thirteen. His entire immediate family, parents and siblings, died as a cause of the war, whether it was being killed in battle or death from disease. He went on to serve two terms as the seventh President of the U.S., leaving behind a legacy of administrative policy and even his own democratic philosophy. The Second Bank of the United States was founded in Philadelphia in 1816. It was mainly a Republican project and a response to the expiration of the First U.S. Bank's charter. It was created as a safe place for federal funds, and because state banks were seen as insufficient for handling financial needs. Currency differed by state, counterfeit money was everywhere, and state banks often issued notes without any gold or silver, the only trusted currency, to back them up. The bank was not met everywhere on friendly terms.. Maryland, in an effort to destroy the Baltimore branch, passed laws to heavily tax it, but the Supreme Court removed those laws, strengthening the central federal power. The Second Bank's charter expired during Jackson's administration in 1836. Most people were distrustful of the bank, as it had enormous power to ruin state banks and was basically unresponsive to the people's needs. It had powerful political influence also, and was completely controlled by one man, the President Nicholas Biddle. The rechartering was scheduled by the bank-influenced Congress to coincide with the 1832 Presidential campaign and election, in which Jackson would be running for a second term. The purpose was to gather up public pressure to have him pass the charter in order to gain reelection. However, Jackson was a bit more principled than that, and vetoed the bill. Congress was unable to override his veto. The rechartering then became Jackson's most important issue in running for President. He said it went further than just allowing a bank - it symbolized special privileges and economic power. The plan to give the bank influence over the entire country's government completely backfired as Jackson was reelected. He took proper steps to make sure the bank would never have the same powers or influence again. He took federal money out of the bank to distribute it in trustworthy state chartered banks. With no money to hold it up, the Second U.S. Bank collapsed and disappeared. With Jackson shutting down the bank, he showed his tolerance for the supreme power of the constitution and financially restricted government. One could go so far as to say that human rights were involved because Biddle gave the common people a hard time about loans and interest rates. Jackson was pushing for the people of this country! Indian Removal was Jackson's policy for making room for white settlers between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River. The Indian culture was told to either assimilate or move west. Any formalized rituals became illegal, as did tribal councils or any Indian attempt to set laws for themselves, as they had in the past. They were now forced to abide by white laws and culture. Jackson was looking to expand commerce, population, and agriculture. He saw it in the west, a vast supply of land and economic improvement. His attitude towards the Indians can consistently enough be seen back in the War of 1812, as not only did he slaughter them in battle but stole the land of those who had fought with him. But he could tolerate the Indians, if they were civilized enough, so by giving the Indians individual rights to property he also gave them the basis for Western capitalism. His ideas on Indian Removal did become a legacy of administrative policy, at least for some time, after he left office. His successor, President Martin van Buren, removed thousands of Indians and pushed them westward. Those allowed to stay in their original homes were small, select groups such as the Iroquois Confederation in New York or those who agreed to abide by white law. Any of those who willfully went out west were promised land and financial

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Themes and Issues in the Modern Global Economy Research Paper

Themes and Issues in the Modern Global Economy - Research Paper Example As a result, the need to venture into areas where the cost of production is cheaper and easier to market to other areas arises. Despite these merits, the political, economic, social, technological and environmental issues have to be put into consideration and optimally explored to ensure maximum profitability. The country which offers better marketing mix attributes has many multinational companies knocking to invest their resources in order to maximize profitability. One such country is China. The products to be bought are electronics mainly television sets and computers. These two are quite crucial in the everyday life of an American and the rapid technological improvements are making them quite dynamic. This dynamism allows the company to tap into the different market potentials with different marketing mix strategies put into efficient use. International Business International business activities affect many spheres of people’s daily lives. Whether one looks at the product s, services and the impact of each of these, the results are obvious; internationalization of business is imminent. The act of globalization makes business much easier as different agreements and trading blocs allow for greater and easier access to products and services at reduced or subsidized prices. This reduces the cost of production and increases a company’s profitability. Business restrictions are lessened every day with competition spreading on a global scale. The use of currencies is also being harmonized in some trade blocs such as the European Union with political relations being strengthened amongst the principal economic powers. The better relations ensure peace and stability; hence better global economic prospects. This further leads to better trades and economic relations that lead to sound competition and proper utilization of resources. Imports and exports have thus been key determinants of how well a country is performing in terms of its GDP growth and the le vel of economic freedom.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Human Services Research Article Discussion Essay - 2

Human Services Research Article Discussion - Essay Example Although the authors tried to impress upon the appropriate governments of taking the children’s well-being into account, there was no bias as set forth in the APA Publication Manual (Emory). Active voice was utilized and there were no racial lines discussed, as it can be assumed that the article encompassed all children â€Å"in care†. As Ms. Davidson is a social services manager and Dr. McKenzie is a clinical psychologist, both women are well versed in the subject matter. They were comprehensive in interviewing other social workers in the field. The actual study was conducted in a mostly rural area of the country which had seen an astronomical increase in small children (under one year old) being placed in care. Social workers seemed to be both harried and stymied by an overloaded system and most of the time the services put in place for the parents (alcohol, drug, and mental heath therapy) collided with the children’s needs, so that even though the case workers were aware of the child’s developmental milestone needs, the procedures were delayed by the legal system (P 36). The conclusions reached included the fact that even though workers had as much as twenty seven years of experience they could be better trained to deal with the greater influx of infants and babies requiring foster care and the special considerations that age group requires. This was supported by the social workers themselves in the body of the study. Even the authors admitted the small number of children studied (eighteen) was disproportionate to the numbers nationwide and the study was maybe not representative of Scotland as a whole. For instance, they could have expanded the study to include what developmental delays occur when cultural lines are crossed, such as children being placed in a home of a different race than their own. Another good study for this would be the ability to thrive of those children placed from Eastern European countries such as

Maintaining safe classrooms and schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Maintaining safe classrooms and schools - Essay Example They further declared that the best way to deal with the issue is to look at the broader spectrum of the matter and involved the whole community namely: faith-based groups, law enforcers, businesses, parents, students and school personnel in finding solutions (Pollack & Sundermann 2001). According to safe school coalition, bullying is an act of aggression, in form of physical attack, verbal and psychological behavior that is repeatedly and constantly done with the intent of harming an individual. It can be described as power display (Hafner 2003). In the year 2003 the state of California has made progress in addressing school bullying and violence by drafting a Bill called â€Å"Bullying Prevention for School Safety and Crime Reduction Act of 2003†. It has passed the Assembly and the Senate and finally was approved by the Governor in October of that same year ( It is defined in Article: 3 School Safety Cadre. Here is the summary of the article: It will be established within the whole state, a cadre that would ensure collaboration of all agencies to combat and end school bullying. Its aim is to improve school attendance and to promote good citizenry. It will employ 100 professionals from the education bureau, community-based groups, and law enforcement group. This joint venture will be responsible for training staff, equipping representatives to make them qualified to initiate school safety programs in all districts, youth agencies, county education offices and law enforcement in each region ( Maintaining school safety is responsibility of the whole community. Policies are clearly outlined to be followed and implemented at schools and community. Contrary to the notion that our children are no longer safe in schools, according to U.S. Department of Education and U.S.

Invisible Buddhism in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Invisible Buddhism in China - Essay Example In the meantime, Taoism, another primary religion in the Chinese society, also presented some differences and challenges to Buddhism. For instance, while Taoism advocated peace with nature, Buddhism sought to manage the inner society. Therefore, in order to develop in China, Buddhism transformed itself to the local way of life, by incorporating the worship of fore-furthers and showing a high level of respect to China’s political system. The timely transformation made Buddha religion an ‘invisible’ but invincible religious organization across the society. The invisibility of Buddhism According to Adler, the classical translators of Buddhism experienced some challenges in getting the exact expressions to elaborate Buddhist philosophies in Chinese, so they preferred to use Taoist language in their texts (41-57). This made the religion ‘invisible’ as the original Buddhism terms were increasingly abandoned for the local ones. As a result, people began to a ssociate Buddhism with the existing Taoist tradition. It took the Chinese society several decades to fully appreciate the scriptures and teachings of Buddha. After the regime of the Han Dynasty caved in the beginning of the third century, the society faced a myriad of political challenges and social disunity. Regardless of the challenges, the translations of the religious texts continued, though silently. During this period, both alien and local monks were aggressively involved in setting up monasteries and spreading the Buddhist philosophies.... The timely transformation made Buddha religion an ‘invisible’ but invincible religious organization across the society. The invisibility of Buddhism According to Adler, the classical translators of Buddhism experienced some challenges in getting the exact expressions to elaborate Buddhist philosophies in Chinese, so they preferred to use Taoist language in their texts (41-57). This made the religion ‘invisible’ as the original Buddhism terms were increasingly abandoned for the local ones. As a result, people began to associate Buddhism with the existing Taoist tradition. It took the Chinese society several decades to fully appreciate the scriptures and teachings of Buddha. After the regime of the Han Dynasty caved in the beginning of the third century, the society faced a myriad of political challenges and social disunity. Regardless of the challenges, the translations of the religion texts continued, though silently. During this period, both alien and local monks were aggressively involved in setting up monasteries and spreading the Buddhist philosophies. Among the local Chinese religious leaders, Dao-an who spent the better part of his life in the fourth century, stood out among the crowd. Though he was prompted to adopt a ‘nomadic’ life in the wake of political disunity, he wrote extensively and gave many lectures on Buddha religious practices and values. He also established the first literary catalogues of the work he was doing. The extensive expansion of the religion, despite the fact that the society was concerned with the unfolding political events was in itself another case of ‘invisible’ spread of the religion. Dao-an had invited Kumarajiva, a celebrated

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Dr zhivago final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Dr zhivago final - Essay Example Zhivago is an exciting, moving, adore tale concerning a pair of individuals caught in dreadful moments; The Great War and the Russian revolt. Majority of the individuals discover about it by the David Lean movie of the sixties; however, it remained thrilling to revisit the manuscript and look for so much new ideas there, which not at all appeared in the movie that individuals may view presently for the first instance. The film may offer people sight; however, the familiarity of television may allow people to move nearer to the core of the associations. Question 1 Scenes that were portrayed extremely well in the Film by David Lean and his team and Campiotti and his team included: One of the scenes that is well portrayed is the scene where Lara fires Komarovsky at a merrymaking; however, fails to aim him; after Komarovsky makes advances to her and sexually harasses her. Komarovsky notices that Lara has the capacity to harm him; nevertheless, he does not desire to threaten his status th rough being associated with her. He concludes to look for her a residence to live; however, he will keep distance from her. This still is the moment when Yury notices Lara and admires her but he does not inform her of his feelings. Meanwhile Tonya is ravaged by her mother’s demise. ... They manage to get a baby girl though their relationship becomes complex. Thus, Pasha decides to join the army where he mysteriously disappears while in the army and Lara decides to work as an army nurse to try and search for him. The third scene, which shows Lean’s men competence in the film, is when the Red’s men kidnap Yury and they force him to do job for them as their nurse. After two decades working for the Red’s, Yury manages to run away through Siberia. Sick and tired, he arrives at Lara’s residence because Lara does not shift from one place to another. Lara takes care of him, they continue with their love affair until when Yury receives a letter from her spouse Tonya informing him that she has conceived a baby girl, and she will move away from Russia. Yury decides to look for his family and then Lara resolves on staying with Komarovsky to escape hazard. Strelnikov fires himself to death on realizing Lara’s affair with Yury and Yury decides to go back to Moscow, to his family. The scene that Campiotti and his team performed really well is the introduction scene where they introduce Lara and Yury as young children. They are depicted as young individuals ready to embark on life. Yury is from a very affluent household and does not anticipate anything will reform. However, when the revolt emerges, it is a little somehow as what transpired following September 11th, which means life takes a new turn wholly. The reason why these scenes were performed so precisely in the film is that they exhaustively brought out the real image of the characters and the motive of the film. They are so clear and non-ambiguous and thus they send the message straight to the viewers. The reason why I would like to keep them is that they bring out the sense of

Diagnostic Advertising Profile Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Diagnostic Advertising Profile - Research Paper Example Build a Bear Workshop targets its stuffed toys, outfits, accessories, and other reasonably priced products towards young children between the ages of 6 to 14. The primary purpose of Build-a-Bear Workshop’s advertising campaign is to persuade potential customers in the age bracket of 6 to 14. Its mascot, the Bearemy, is also an adorable looking stuffed animal especially chosen to represent its target audience which consists mainly of little children (â€Å"Our Mascot, Bearemy†, n.pag.). Its persuasive and informative advertising objective focuses on promoting people to buy their products by changing their perceptions about the product’s value. One of its commercials shows a small girl talking about how you can literally â€Å"build a bear† by buying additional accessories along with the bear to fit the child’s own linking (â€Å"Build-a-Bear Workshop Commercial†, 00:20). So far it has been successful in effectively communicating its message of creating a customized teddy bear to suit the linking of every child. Though it did experience a drop in its net income in 2007 when it failed to retain its customers (Farrell, n.pag.). Build-a-bear Workshop has sought the services of various advertising agencies over the past and seeks the promotional services so as to increase its brand awareness, help build technologically advanced retail outlets, and carry out integrated marketing. It has taken the services from agencies like Cannonball (Cannonball, n.pag.), SteadyRain, and even Samsung to put together its interactive and highly technological outlets creating superb brand recognition and value among its young customers. Its Bearville website also plays a critical role in the promotion and sales of its products online (â€Å"What is Bearville†, n.pag.). It sought the promotional services of SteadyRain in order to enhance its brand awareness online (SteadyRain, n.pag.). Since Build a Bear Workshop enables customers to buy o nline, it looked for an analysis of the company’s website. The Search Engine Optimization allowed SteadyRain to evaluate the traffic and the possible sources of organic search that yielded productive visits to the website. Its high tech outlets at various areas provide an interactive environment and digital gadgets to help the children design their customized toys (Kotler & Armstrong, 35; Olson, n.pag.). There are work stations at each stage starting from â€Å"Stuff me† where the child stuffs in fluff inside their teddy bear. The process ends with â€Å"Name me† where the bear is complete and a birth certificate is issued (Kotler & Armstrong, 35-36). Samsung has provided its services to Build a Bear Workshop to create its high tech stores containing interactive work stations and other technologies to enable the company to cater to its customers’ needs (â€Å"Case Study: Build-A Bear Workshop†, 2). Build-a-Bear Workshop’s advertising mainly uses emotional appeals to reach out their target market consisting of young children. Its television commercials often show young children and their product line of assorted teddy bears to inform its young audiences of its attractive option of customizing teddy bears. Most of advertisements aim at appealing the young children using tactics that stimulate the younger children to buy the customized teddy bears. One of its advertisements includes a young girl talking about how she can add different accessories to create her own tailored teddy bear (â€Å"

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Invisible Buddhism in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Invisible Buddhism in China - Essay Example In the meantime, Taoism, another primary religion in the Chinese society, also presented some differences and challenges to Buddhism. For instance, while Taoism advocated peace with nature, Buddhism sought to manage the inner society. Therefore, in order to develop in China, Buddhism transformed itself to the local way of life, by incorporating the worship of fore-furthers and showing a high level of respect to China’s political system. The timely transformation made Buddha religion an ‘invisible’ but invincible religious organization across the society. The invisibility of Buddhism According to Adler, the classical translators of Buddhism experienced some challenges in getting the exact expressions to elaborate Buddhist philosophies in Chinese, so they preferred to use Taoist language in their texts (41-57). This made the religion ‘invisible’ as the original Buddhism terms were increasingly abandoned for the local ones. As a result, people began to a ssociate Buddhism with the existing Taoist tradition. It took the Chinese society several decades to fully appreciate the scriptures and teachings of Buddha. After the regime of the Han Dynasty caved in the beginning of the third century, the society faced a myriad of political challenges and social disunity. Regardless of the challenges, the translations of the religious texts continued, though silently. During this period, both alien and local monks were aggressively involved in setting up monasteries and spreading the Buddhist philosophies.... The timely transformation made Buddha religion an ‘invisible’ but invincible religious organization across the society. The invisibility of Buddhism According to Adler, the classical translators of Buddhism experienced some challenges in getting the exact expressions to elaborate Buddhist philosophies in Chinese, so they preferred to use Taoist language in their texts (41-57). This made the religion ‘invisible’ as the original Buddhism terms were increasingly abandoned for the local ones. As a result, people began to associate Buddhism with the existing Taoist tradition. It took the Chinese society several decades to fully appreciate the scriptures and teachings of Buddha. After the regime of the Han Dynasty caved in the beginning of the third century, the society faced a myriad of political challenges and social disunity. Regardless of the challenges, the translations of the religion texts continued, though silently. During this period, both alien and local monks were aggressively involved in setting up monasteries and spreading the Buddhist philosophies. Among the local Chinese religious leaders, Dao-an who spent the better part of his life in the fourth century, stood out among the crowd. Though he was prompted to adopt a ‘nomadic’ life in the wake of political disunity, he wrote extensively and gave many lectures on Buddha religious practices and values. He also established the first literary catalogues of the work he was doing. The extensive expansion of the religion, despite the fact that the society was concerned with the unfolding political events was in itself another case of ‘invisible’ spread of the religion. Dao-an had invited Kumarajiva, a celebrated

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Diagnostic Advertising Profile Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Diagnostic Advertising Profile - Research Paper Example Build a Bear Workshop targets its stuffed toys, outfits, accessories, and other reasonably priced products towards young children between the ages of 6 to 14. The primary purpose of Build-a-Bear Workshop’s advertising campaign is to persuade potential customers in the age bracket of 6 to 14. Its mascot, the Bearemy, is also an adorable looking stuffed animal especially chosen to represent its target audience which consists mainly of little children (â€Å"Our Mascot, Bearemy†, n.pag.). Its persuasive and informative advertising objective focuses on promoting people to buy their products by changing their perceptions about the product’s value. One of its commercials shows a small girl talking about how you can literally â€Å"build a bear† by buying additional accessories along with the bear to fit the child’s own linking (â€Å"Build-a-Bear Workshop Commercial†, 00:20). So far it has been successful in effectively communicating its message of creating a customized teddy bear to suit the linking of every child. Though it did experience a drop in its net income in 2007 when it failed to retain its customers (Farrell, n.pag.). Build-a-bear Workshop has sought the services of various advertising agencies over the past and seeks the promotional services so as to increase its brand awareness, help build technologically advanced retail outlets, and carry out integrated marketing. It has taken the services from agencies like Cannonball (Cannonball, n.pag.), SteadyRain, and even Samsung to put together its interactive and highly technological outlets creating superb brand recognition and value among its young customers. Its Bearville website also plays a critical role in the promotion and sales of its products online (â€Å"What is Bearville†, n.pag.). It sought the promotional services of SteadyRain in order to enhance its brand awareness online (SteadyRain, n.pag.). Since Build a Bear Workshop enables customers to buy o nline, it looked for an analysis of the company’s website. The Search Engine Optimization allowed SteadyRain to evaluate the traffic and the possible sources of organic search that yielded productive visits to the website. Its high tech outlets at various areas provide an interactive environment and digital gadgets to help the children design their customized toys (Kotler & Armstrong, 35; Olson, n.pag.). There are work stations at each stage starting from â€Å"Stuff me† where the child stuffs in fluff inside their teddy bear. The process ends with â€Å"Name me† where the bear is complete and a birth certificate is issued (Kotler & Armstrong, 35-36). Samsung has provided its services to Build a Bear Workshop to create its high tech stores containing interactive work stations and other technologies to enable the company to cater to its customers’ needs (â€Å"Case Study: Build-A Bear Workshop†, 2). Build-a-Bear Workshop’s advertising mainly uses emotional appeals to reach out their target market consisting of young children. Its television commercials often show young children and their product line of assorted teddy bears to inform its young audiences of its attractive option of customizing teddy bears. Most of advertisements aim at appealing the young children using tactics that stimulate the younger children to buy the customized teddy bears. One of its advertisements includes a young girl talking about how she can add different accessories to create her own tailored teddy bear (â€Å"

The Employment Non Essay Example for Free

The Employment Non Essay On Wednesday November 7, 2007, a landmark bill was passed in the house. A bill that will guarantee equal treatment of gays and lesbians in the workplaces. This bill is referred to as the Employment Non discrimination Act and is a climax to the aspirations pursued by gays and lesbians since 1974(www. alternet. org/workplace/67650/). It is indeed a journey that has taken over two hundred years, since the ratification of the United States constitution, which categorically guarantees every individual in the United States equal access to facilities regardless of gender, race, creed or any other basis, whatsoever. The human rights commission in its creeds vows to champion for equality in the society by rooting out all forms and manner of discrimination. Despite the key statements by the constitution and Human Rights Commission, inequality still thrives in our midst. The different societal norms and orientation have shaped peoples minds such that they are dead set against people who may display certain different characteristics from them. Inequality in the society is not only based on gender, race or creed but it also extends to sexual orientation. Discrimination against homosexuality has raged on for years and the debate on the topic is as thorny as they can get. Past legislations against discrimination have not been categorical when it comes to homosexuality. This is a fact that emerges from deep down in the society and from the conservative nature of the values that are closely guarded by people. Despite the massive campaigns conducted by human rights and gay movements, the society is yet to reconcile that gays and lesbians are normal and that they deserve equal rights just like the so called â€Å"straight people. † Homophobia thrives in the society and despite any legislation it is bound to rage on for long till the sexual stigma wanes gradually (Gerald H, 38). The public is mindset about gays and lesbians such that anything close to respecting their rights is not easily taken. There are a number of reasons why homophobia thrives in the society and why people will discriminate against them in the workplaces, friendships and even in the family. There is a common belief among most heterosexuals that homosexuality is not natural. They believe that it is a weird trait that only befits animals. People do not accept the fact that this sort of orientation has been there deep in history even in the biblical times. Homosexuals are believed to be sexual perverts who should be avoided at all costs. It is hence hard to find heterosexuals in the society who accord equal treatment to those that they suspect having a homosexual orientation. Very few heterosexuals will employ people they believe of possessing homosexual tendency no matter their credentials (Ronni L. Sanlo, 17). Religious fanatics are the ones that mostly have been dead set against gays. Despite their being a separation of state and religion, rarely will you find those in authority appreciating the sexual orientation disparities that exist in the society and champion for equality along those lines. Religion has played a great role in imparting a negative sentiments and treatments against its own rank. The Catholic Church and the Anglican have failed to embrace unanimity on the issue of ordaining gay priests despite the practice being evident among priests. Africa has nigh broken away from the Anglican mother church and mainstream for its ordination of gay priests. Most religions in spite of their liberal nature preach hatred against gays and lesbians in the belief that their teachings prohibit same sex relationships. Followers of these religions become fanatically set by the religious dogmas and cease to see the gay and lesbian as their equal. They believe that homosexuality is against Gods commandments as His first creations were of both gender rather than unisex. This is the root cause of all forms of discrimination and sexual orientation inequality in the society, as these values further shape both social and professional relations. Discrimination against lesbians in the belief that they are disgusting is rife and it mainly originates from schools. In most learning institutions, it almost escalates to a point of turning physical. Verbal harassment however is the most prevalent. A poll for example conducted by CBS in 1999 indicated that over 28% of all those polled admitted to making remarks that can be considered offensive and discriminatory to the gay community (Michael B and A. W. Brown, p31). Societal norms and cultures are passed on from one generation to another. These values include the long held beliefs and prejudices held in regarding to the core issues affecting the society. For example a look at the history of inequality and discrimination of the African American and the Hispanics population reveals that the negative sentiments expressed against these two races in the United States have their root to the early times. Slavery was perpetrated and perpetuated as a way of life. It was not unusual for people to own slaves and yet claim that they respected and stood for equality. U. S is full of such past leaders who were great and led the nation to greater heights but they still owned slaves. This is because slave ownership was the norm and failure to own one was an exception. Blacks and women in America took long before they could get an equal footing to their white males counter parts. The struggle for blacks civil rights lasted for two centuries before law could grant them equal access to public facilities in terms of employment and other vital services. This culture of discrimination against the blacks had taken root and become entrenched deeply into the way of life. The same case is happening today only this time discrimination is not along racial or religious backgrounds, it is based on sexual orientation. Majority of the people are dead set that heterosexual is the only way of life, it is the only acceptable norm and any deviation from such a norm is frowned upon. People are not open minded enough to accept other ways of living. This form of discrimination and unequal access to opportunities is imparted in children in their formative stage. Schools are the most important agents of socialization. It is where positive or negative values are imparted. Beliefs and attitudes towards various topics life are shaped in schools (Donald Moss, 22). Learning institutions and families have a long impact on how people view various subjects in life. Homophobia is one such subject that becomes sensitive in schools. Discrimination against gays and lesbians starts early in childhood especially in high schools where the students suspected to be gays are verbally and physically attacked. This discrimination may later extend to the teachers and staff who might be dismissed on mere suspicious of being lesbians or gays hence making it clear to the students that such a sexual orientation is unacceptable in life (Bruce Galloway, 22) Homophobia has also been further perpetuated by the school curriculum. Most sex education syllabuses ignore homosexuality, describing it using negative connotations. In a sex education class; sex is only taken to mean intercourse between a man and a woman while disregarding any form of sexual interactions between people of the same sex. This develops a negative attitude in people, meaning that homosexuality is a form of an abnormality or disability. Intense studies have not been conducted to get to the root cause of the negative attitude and the hostility for people who are homosexuals. Most research conducted focuses on how it can be avoided rather than how the society can be taught to integrate such a community. Homosexuality is seen as a psychopathological case as most of those who exhibit homosexually traits are advised to seek psychiatric help (John P, 2). The gays and lesbian movement also experiences problems when trying to meet and consult with each other. Some gay organizations decry lack of conference halls whenever they would want to meet. They experience open rejection, as not many people would want to be associated with them. This means that there are few forums through which the public can be taught on how to relate with homosexuals (Samantha W, P. 16). As mentioned before about socialization in schools as one source of discrimination even the educators themselves conform to this notion, viewing and accepting that homophobia is the right attitude and then imparting on the students. (Ronnil S. , 13). Homophobia is a culture that has been imparted from one generation to the next deeply entrenched into our social organization systems. It emanates from the belief that is an act of perversion that should not be tolerated by heterosexuals and hence the prevalent discrimination against those suspected or known to be gays or lesbians. Discrimination is a way of societies reaction towards people they view as outcasts. There are no enough forums through which heterosexuals, homosexuals and bisexuals can interact with each other to create more understanding due to the preconceived ideas held against each other. Works cited Deb Price, Gay? U. S houses that’s okay creators syndicate.November 12, 2007. Retrieved on 13/11/2007 from http://www. alternet. org/workplace/6760 Bruce, Galloway. Prejudice and pride: discrimination against gay people in modern Britain. Rout ledge, Taylor and Francis Group. 1984: 19-34 Gerald Hunt, Laboring for rights. Unions and sexual diversity across nations. Temple University Press 1999 32-42 John P. De Cero, Homophobia an overview, Haworth Press Inc. 1984;2 Samantha Wehbi: Community organizing against homophobia and heterosexism the world through rainbow colored. Glasses, Haworth Press. 2004; 16-24 Gail Mason, The spectacle of violence: Homophobia, Gender and Knowledge. Rout ledge 2001; 17-32 Warren J. Bluefield. Homophobia: how we all pay the price. Beacon press, 1992: 46-9 Ronni L. Sanlo, Unheard Voices: The effects of silence on lesbian and gay educators. Bergin Goerly Greenwood. 2004; 13-24 Donald Moss, Hating in the first person, plural: psychoalytic essays on racism, homophobia misogyny and terror. Other press LLC . 2003; 20-29

Monday, October 14, 2019

Hillary Clinton Email Scandal

Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Hillary Clinton has been a topic of discussion for a while with the entire email scandal. Rumor has it she has been using a private email and has given out classified information on said email. The basis of the whole scandal lies on the question; should Hillary be searched and prosecuted for the emails? Hillary has been using a private email server for over 3 years without question. But suddenly with the election here she has begun to be questioned and has also been searched as shown by Patrick Howley The FBI has a search warrant for Clinton aide Huma Abedins laptop, obtained Sunday night after new emails surfaced in the law enforcement investigation of Abedins husband Anthony Weiner for allegedly sexting with a minor. so the FBI not only searched Hillarys laptop but also Abedins laptop. The FBI has found about five emails on Hillarys server that show classified information such as the location or travel plans for Libyan ambassador Chris Stevens who was killed in 2012. This is very suspicious because his killer knew exactly where he would be and the locations happen to be where he was going when he died. That sounds a bit suspect; why would she know the location of where he would eventually die? Clintons private email allowed her to communicate with many world leaders and to swap em ails with the Clinton foundation. Clintons partner, Huma Abedin, was nervous because in fact she was the one who came up with the idea of creating the private email server. This makes her a suspect if the investigation was ever brought into trial, who has to say that Hillary wont throw Abedin under the bus to save herself from prosecution? Even though Abedin was the one who came up with the idea she said she didnt know about it Huma Abedin later told the FBI that she didnt even know about Clintons private server when she was at the State Department, and Bryan Pagliano pleaded the Fifth(Patrick Howley). Clinton tried to cover up her story saying that her server was kept in the basement of her Chappaqua, New York home. But really, the server was stored at a Clinton-owned office in Midtown Manhattan, where it shared physical space with the Clinton Foundations server. Hillarys homebrew server was operating on the same email network as the Foundations server and the server for Chelsea Cl intons office. (Patrick Howley). It makes Hillary look bad because shes lying about her emails and where they were sent from. Its still unclear if she can be prosecuted but if she ever is they can use that against her, not helping her case. Hillary might be able to get charged with perjury and obstruction of justice for lying and making false statements to the government. This is why shes not fit to be president despite what all the supporters say. Hillary exposed confidential information, Hillary Clinton posted and shared the names of CIA-protected intelligence sources on her private email server, including a defense attachà © and other covert U.S. agents working on matters including Iran and the Taliban and Pakistan (Patrick Howley). This can very well secure the prosecution of Clinton, but why Clinton has not been prosecuted is puzzling. Her server contained five emails with exact locations of travel plans of Chris Stevens and the location of his murder by a 2012 Benghazi attack . Who knows if she was a part of the attack, but it is scary to think that is a possibility. In July, an FBI investigation concluded no reasonable prosecutor would bring a criminal case against Mrs. Clinton, but that she and her aides were extremely careless in their handling of classified information. (Anthony Zurcher). Clinton carelessness should make it possible for a prosecution because there is evidence that could be incriminating to her. The FBI surprised everyone, 11 days before the election, by announcing it was examining newly discovered emails sent or received by Hillary Clinton (Anthony Zurcher). These new emails may contain incriminating items but it is unknown because the government hasnt released any info about the emails. Although with incriminating statements by Clinton, the FBI director James Conrey stood by the statement saying that Clinton should not be prosecuted. Shortly before she was sworn in as secretary of state in 2009, Hillary Clinton set up an email server at her home in Chappaqua, New York. She then relied on this server, home to the email addres s [emailprotected], for all her electronic correspondence both work-related and personal during her four years in office (Anthony Zurcher). While Hillary was secretary of state, she sent or received 62,320 emails. 30490 of those are official but the other ones are not, what does this say about the other ones? Maybe the other emails have illegal information or are sent over her private email. Many of her private emails released to the public had information about the 2012 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi. Hillary has claimed that she had to use her private email for business related things although she never stated why. George W. Bush stated in Clintons defense that he as well used private emails while he was in office. The State Department inspector general report found that many of Mrs. Clintons predecessors including Mr. Powell were also not in compliance with federal recordkeeping requirements, although the rules governing their actions were less detailed when they were in office (Anthony Zurcher). Mr. Powell told Hillary to use private emails but stated that she should not use that email for private information or classified information. Hillary Clintons email controversy is older than her 2016 presidential campaign and its been forced into the headlines again Thursday and Friday when two top aides testify behind closed doors for a House committee(Eric Bradner). Even though the private email scandal is risky for her legally and it can affect her respect level, she said she used it for sole convenience purposes. The FBI believe that she didnt use them for convenience purposes but to have more control over the emails because the government emails that she was supposed to use were monitored. Clinton believes that it is just easier to use the private emails despite the consequences. Clinton got out of trouble because the FBI released information about Hillary knowing that she willingly sent emails that shared classified information. That was supposed to be kept classified but was not. But the Justice Departments investigation, the State Departments processing and release of her emails, a House panels separate investigat ion and dozens of impending lawsuits are weighing on the 2016 Democratic presidential front-runners campaign(Eric Bradner). Hillarys lawyers turned over about 55000 pages of emails found on her private email server to the State Department. Some of the emails were released under judges order. Even though her emails contained classified information, the government still has to deem them classified. But Clintons emails are being reviewed by a team of about 12 interagency officials, who are making recommendations on what should and shouldnt be classified(Eric Bradner).   Clinton has been called into a closed-door deposition by Trey Gowdy. Trey is a part of the house of Benghazi committee. This could be bad considering some of her emails had the travel plans and location of someones death in Benghazi. We do not know what happened in that deposition but it could not have gone badly because Hillary is still free. Clintons email server was run under Eric Hoteham which was a misspelled version of one of her former aids named Eric Hothem. Hillary used google as a backup server, which was traced by the government. The government found out about the emails through a Romanian hacker named Guccifer. President Barak Obama further signed an update to federal records stating that private emails are legal and can be used. Although he stated that they government further made it illegal to use private emails unless they forward or copy the emails to their government emails within twenty days of sending the emails. March 3, 2015 State Department spokeswoman Maria Harf says: [Theres] no indication that Secretary Clinton used her personal email account for anything but unclassified purposes While Secretary Clinton did not have a classified email system, she did have multiple other ways of communicating in a classified manner, including assistants printing documents for her, secure phone calls and secure vi deo conferences(Eric Bradner). This could very well further the investigation because they state that she used other forms of communication to spread classified information. So the FBI could look into her phone records and other forms of communication to potentially find incriminating information. Essentially, this scandal effects all of us because with the presidential election happening she could have become our president and with her on the verge of prosecution why would anyone want that type of person to be a leader of a country. Hillary has   not been publicly registered as the domain owner of the of the email server making her less responsible for her actions as said in the CNN news report. The FBI has stated that have been watching the scandal without involvement for awhile just waiting for Hillary to slip up, which she did to go investigate but when the investigation happened she was deemed being lawful and not breaking any rules so the prosecution is in a standstill waiting for something unlawful to air so that Clinton can be brought up on charges. The fact of the matter is CLinton did something suspicious and illegal and just because the president decided to change a rule last minute to save Hillary shouldnt be counted because before that rule change Clinton could have been prosecuted and brought into court but wasnt. Clinton is very lucky for Obama helping her and should count her blessings for the simple fact that she should be in brought into justice, this may be opinionated but maybe she wasnt prosecuted because she has connections in government and she is a part of a serious position that shes done so well. The government doesnt want to see her go because theyd have to find someone who might not be able to do it as well as her. The email scandal is a serious debate and should be looked into by the FBI. Due to the evidence I believe that Clinton should be prosecuted for her actions of sending classified information. All in all the case has been opened and hopefully will be closed soon with Clinton getting what she deserves. Works Cited Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Explained. Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Explained, Breitbart, 2017, Accessed 3 Mar. 2017. Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Explained. Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Explained, Investors Business Daily, Inc, 20 Jan. 2017, Accessed 3 Mar. 2017. Hillary Clinton emails whats it all about? Hillary Clinton emails whats it all about?, BBC News Services, 6 Nov. 2016, Accessed 3 march 2017. Hillary Clintons email controversy, explained. Hillary Clintons email controversy, explained,, 28 Oct. 2016, Accessed 3 Mar. 2017.