Thursday, May 23, 2019

Tradition Hinders Our Progress

Tradition is the enemy of build Weather its religious traditions preventing the study of the dead for better understanding of the living to the churches traditions stopping the gain into the realization that the Earth is not the center of the universe or to take something recent Umbilical cord debates over weather to use them for life frugality stem cell research. Tradition is the common enemy among Progress into the future people want the results of science we live our lives due to science but much many of our general populous does not agree with the means we use to modernize the radical discoveries of science.I can see how traditions can hinder progressif you subscribe to past ideals it can deter from advancement. If we are going to look gumption at what Mary and John did in the past to solve a problem every time, then how are we going to move forward? What am saying is that look back once or twice get the formula then learn and apply that knowledge, improve on it then build but we keep going back and back and back and back It is in fact the enemy for progress.I think that traditions do prevent progess. The best example of this can be seen rulal areas where knowledge is just passed over from maven generation to another and children are not allowed to study more they are just used as a labour. Another example is of early married couple of girls who are married at an age of 10 or 11 which ruin their lives. in the end i would like to conclude that these tradions r bar our way to new things.

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